Families For Life | Button Letter Art

Use buttons to create a unique piece of art for your family. Choose a large letter or a monogramme and fill it in with buttons of various sizes. For best results, try to keep the buttons within a certain colour range, tone or intensity. Mixing in buttons of different sizes and textures will bring interest and dimension to your finished piece.


  1. A4 foam board
  2. A4 sheet of printer paper
  3. Glue Stick
  4. 12” ribbon
  5. White glue
  6. Buttons


  1. Create a large letter using a program like Microsoft word and print it out on A4.
  2. Use a glue stick to attach the printed letter to your foam board.
  3. Lay out buttons on top of the letter to find the best fit to cover the letter. Use different sizes and shapes to add dynamism and variety.
  4. Start gluing the buttons on top of the letter using the white glue.
  5. Once the board is dry, frame it and display in your family’s favourite room.