Families For Life | A Family "Farm" Day Out

Not a moment of life is wasted on a farm.—Jim Fisher

We are all city slickers. Born and bred in this concrete jungle, our children rarely have the chance to explore the countryside. A visit to the farm is not only a good learning experience; it is also an excellent way to bring the family closer. Here are three places for close encounters with the wild. These farms may be out of the way but offers experiential learning for the children.

The Goat Farm

Hay Dairies is Singapore's only goat farm. With over 800 goats on the farm, it will be an eye-opening learning experience for the children. They will be delighted here as they get to hand feed them. Visitors are encouraged to drop by in the morning to catch milking in action.

Address: No. 3 Lim Chu Kang, Agrotech Park Lane 4, Singapore 718859
Website: www.haydairies.com.sg

The Turtle and Tortoise Museum

Wow the children with more than 200 turtles and tortoises from over 60 different species at the Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum. There is a petting corner for them to get up close with the land-dwelling reptiles.

Address: 1 Chinese Garden Road, Singapore 619795
Website: www.turtle-tortoise.com

The Frog Farm

Jurong Frog Farm offers Frog Fun tour packages focused experiential learning with live displays and demonstrations. With programmes tailored for families, pre-school, primary school, secondary school and tertiary institutions, it will be a valuable learning experience for children of all ages. Get ready for a ruckus as you and your family hand-feed the frogs. If hands-on is not your thing, sit back and enjoy an all-male frog choir. 

Address: 56 Lim Chu Kang Lane 6, Singapore 719164
Website: www.jurongfrogfarm.com.sg

Edible Garden City

Champions of the "Grow Your Own Food" movement in our land-scarce country, Edible Garden City maximises the use of rooftops and pavements by farming. Growing food cultivates a sense of community and educates the young and old. Children not only get to connect with nature, they learn to understand the importance of growing their own food.

Address: Various locations
Website: www.ediblegardencity.com