With the long Labour Day weekend and Mother’s Day, the month of May is a great time for getting out and about with your loved ones. The only conundrum you might encounter is having to choose from a myriad of equally fun and exciting family activities available!


Are you looking for a meaningful way to commemorate your child’s birth? Consider planting a tree via the FamilyTrees initiative, jointly organised by the National Parks Board and Families for Life. You can sign up anytime within three years of your child’s birth date, and the planted sapling will be a legacy that grows together with your family.

Flipside 2023

Image source: Esplanade website

Get ready for a playful festival of circus, comedy, physical theatre and puppetry at the Esplanade from 26 May to 4 June. Flipside 2023’s bold and whimsical line-up includes an interactive outdoor circus , a parent-child improv workshop roving giant seagulls , and so much more.

Black Soldier Fly (BSF) Eco Farm Tour

Image source: EventBrite

In this eye-opening and hands-on experience, you’ll learn how the BSF turns food waste into a nutrient-rich fertiliser called frass. At the community farm, you and your children can also help fertilise plants with BSF frass and feed fish and quails with BSF larvae. The tour is designed for children aged five onwards and runs every Saturday from 10am to 11.30am. Tickets are priced from $28 to $38.

Urban Farm Experience & Pop-up Playground

Image source: EventBrite

In this unique workshop to be held on 28 May from 4pm to 5.30pm, you and your children will learn how to carve paintbrushes from sticks and leaves and make watercolour with natural pigments from leaves, flowers and the earth. On top of exercising creativity, patience and resilience in the process, you will walk away with a newfound appreciation of nature. Each ticket is priced at $53.47.

Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC)

Image source: AFCC Website

Held from 25 to 28 May at the National Library Building, AFCC 2023 boasts over 70 programmes that explore the different dimensions of “Play” through books, stories and performances. Young children will enjoy interactive workshops that allow them to get creative with language or learn how to create their own info-comic book; adults can join in the fun too or drop in on other presentations, mainly geared towards promoting the creation, development and appreciation of quality Asian content for children and young adults. Tickets start at $42.15. Early bird pricing applies until 30 April 2023.