Families For Life | Monfort Care - Positive Parenting Programme
The Triple P Level 2 Seminars introduce the five core principles of positive parenting to empower parents to manage their children’s behaviour, prevent problems from developing and build strong and health relationships.
Please refer to the information below for the topics covered in each session:
Session 1: 30 May, Tue, 9am to 11:30am
1. Power of Positive Parenting
• Screentime guidance
• Home routines
• Supporting difficult behaviours
2. Raising Confident, Competent Children
• Motivating your child
• Addiction to Games
Session 2: 7 Jun, Wed, 9am to 11am
1. Raising Resilient Children
• Emotional/Anger Management
• Expressing Feelings
To sign-up, click here: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=W6_p89cLVkCEl8KvPvxjpaIf4KqQj9hLrSItBwENhiVUMldDT0hSTUNYM1ZPVUlMMklST01WMFhNSS4u