Families For Life | 4 Fun and Simple Activities to Bond with Baby
Babies are so cute, there’s no denying it. But it’s also true that the first year of parenting a young baby is hard – as you juggle feeds round the clock, night wake ups, and bouts of inexplicable crying. The good news is that partaking in regular caregiving routines are actually really helpful for both mum and dad to form stronger bonds with baby, day by day.
As your little one grows and becomes more interactive, it definitely gets more rewarding, as you can do more fun things whilst bonding with him or her. And as it turns out, you don’t need to rack your brains on complicated activities or spend a lot on new toys.
All you really need is quality time, and lots of interaction and loving touch.
Here’re four fabulously fun yet super simple things you can do with your precious bubs - winsome smiles guaranteed!
Your baby’s early days are so fleeting, so don’t let them slip by without taking the time to bond with your precious little one. Here are 4 simple activities you can do with your baby to form closer bonds, having lots of fun while at it.
Play a simple game like Peek-a-Boo
ALL babies love simple games like Peek-a-Boo. This simple game of hiding your eyes and slowly revealing them is universally adored by babies, transcending culture, language, and generations.
To a baby, seeing their beloved mum or dad’s face come back after being hidden out of sight is pure delight. Looking into your baby’s eyes and laughing raucously together are the best ways to form strong bonds!
Sing a song or two
Babies are hardwired to love mum and dad’s voices. After all, they can hear your voice from the womb. It’s little wonder that your baby will feel safe and loved when you croon a tune to her.
Go on, pick your favourite ditty and belt it out with gusto, and why not dance with your little one while you’re at it? Double the fun, double the bonding!
Give your baby a soothing massage
Massaging your baby is a wonderful way to build bonds with him. There’s something soothing about mom and dad’s touch - and massaging your baby says "I love you" loud and clear.
You don't need to be a pro to do this, all you need is a loving touch. The best time to massage your little bub is after a nap or after a bath, when he's calm and alert. Use firm but gentle strokes to massage the soles of his feet, his legs and arms, chest, back and face.
Go for a walk outdoors together
Taking your baby out for a walk in the great outdoors is an activity that is guaranteed to help you bond with her, while ensuring that both of you have fun. There’s nothing quite like breathing in some fresh air and stretching your legs, with your wee one with you for the best company.
Even better, carry her close in a carrier as you walk and take in the scenery. That closeness will help you bond with her even more. Talk to her as you walk, pointing out what you see and drawing her attention to things. You’ll find yourself looking at the world with renewed eyes too.