Families For Life | 5 simple ways to make your child feel loved
A parent’s love knows no bounds, but is your child truly able to feel the depth of your love? The thing is, love must be demonstrated through actions. Otherwise, it remains just another word that bears no weight.
Feeling loved is something we all desire, no matter our age, but it’s also essential for your child’s healthy development. It helps them feel safe and secure enough to explore, learn, and be happy. Here’s how you can show your child you love them, without even saying those three words!
1. Be an active listener
When your child wants to talk, be available and present. Constantly dismissing them when they’re excited to share something with you will make them feel like they’re at the bottom of your priority list. No matter how busy you are, set aside some time everyday to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your child. Put away all distractions, ask questions, and actively listen. When you show your child that you’re interested in what they have to say, they'll feel loved.
2. Show enthusiasm
You don’t have to be overly theatrical — just get excited about what they’re doing or talking about. Ask questions to show you’re engaged and want to be a part of their world. Greet them warmly after a long day of not seeing each other, and let them feel your joy. Your excitement is a simple, yet powerful way to communicate love.
3. Hug more
Hugs can help your child feel loved and cared for. Research also shows that physical touch is vital for a child’s health and emotional development. So don’t hold back on your cuddles, back pats, and gentle caresses! These gestures send a wordless message of warmth and affection.
4. Have fun together
Spend quality time with your child! From daily bedtime stories to making Sundays fun days, turn this time into a regular and special routine the both of you can look forward to. The activity itself can be simple; the real gift is your time. Set aside phones and other distractions to fully focus on each other and build a deeper connection.
5. Nurture individual relationships
If you have more than one child, celebrate their individuality! Support their unique talents and interests, and avoid comparisons. Instead, try spending one-on-one time with each child while doing an activity they love. This encourages them to pursue their passions without the pressure of sibling rivalry. It also strengthens your bond, making them feel more personally connected to you.
All children seek their parents’ love, even well into adulthood. Help your child grow in a stable, loving environment by showing them they are cherished. It’s not enough to simply love them — make sure they know it!