Families For Life | Marriage Tips: Public Display of Affection (PDA) Redefined
In our typically conservative Asian culture, many men may have inhibitions in expressing affections for their wives openly or vice versa. However, did you know that such open displays of affection have been proven to benefit physical health, such as lowering high blood pressure and minimise the risk of heart attacks? Most importantly, it keeps the romance alive and fresh?
We’re not referring to cringeworthy PDA (public display of affection) that are best kept private, but rather, thoughtful and loving actions (redefined PDA) that still convey the depth of your affection toward your spouse in a public setting.
Here are some redefined PDA to spice up your marriage:
- Praise your spouse in front of others.
- Men, you can help your wife with the housework or cooking, or do it together. Make the chores fun with cheeky winks or playful tickles?
- Who says old-fashioned romance doesn’t work in the 21st century? Declare your love with cheesy lines.
- Stand up for each other, even to your children if they show any parent any form of disrespect.
- Shower each other with daily kisses, and hold hands often
- Snuggling while watching TV/movies, even with the family around.
- Sing and dance together.
- Support and encourage each other's interests.
- Be a listening ear to each other.
Also, having children shouldn’t deter married couples from such displays of affection. In fact, experts believe that healthy displays of affection between parents have a positive impact on their children as well.
You would be good role models, instead of the media or Internet, on how to give and receive affection. Children who see their parents as loving and happy feel safe and secure, and grow up to become emotionally healthy individuals.
So, be a positive influence in your family by showing your children how much you love each other.