Families For Life | Tips by Families For Life Parenting (Aug)

Good news for parents of young children age 0 to 6 years old! Access practical parenting tips and useful resources with our monthly updates of tip sheets by Familes for Life Parenting!

Development in children (0-3 years)

The brain develops fast in the early years but each child's development is different. This tip sheet serves as a guide to monitor your child's development.

Development in children (0-3 years) 

Language development (0-6 years)

Language development begins from birth. Read on to understand how to help your child's language development.

Language development (0-6 years) 

Connecting (0-3 years)

Give your child your attention to create the best environment for her growth and development. Here are some tips to help you connect with your child.

Connecting (0-3 years) 

Emotions in children (0-1 year)

Babies are only beginning to learn about emotions and how to express themselves. Here's how you can help your baby learn to express himself.

Emotions in children (0-1 year) 

Communicating with your child (0-3 years)

Talking to your child helps to develop her language and communication skills. Here are some tips to help with your child's development.

Communicating with your child (0-3 years) 

Helping your child self-regulate (0-6 years)

The ability to manage one's behaviour and reactions to things around them is important. Learn how you can help your child learn self-regulation here.

Helping your child self-regulate (0-6 years) 

How literacy develops (0-6 years)

Literacy development starts as early as child birth. Here are some tips to help develop your child's literacy skills.

How literacy develops (0-6 years) 

Shared reading (0-6 years)

Reading helps to develop your child's language development and reading skills. Get some tips for shared reading with your child at an early age.

Shared reading (0-6 years)