When it comes to the best places to work, brand name companies like Google, Meta, Shell or Apple usually dominate the headlines. Indeed, it is hard not to be wowed, by free gourmet food, 24-hour fitness centres, coffee and juice bars, sleep pods for power naps or even adult-sized playgrounds!

But for many parents out there, what attracts them to some of these workplaces are not lifestyle trappings but great work-life practices. Take some of these companies for example. Google takes a hybrid approach to work, offering flexible work weeks and remote working for their employees. Lego – in line with their child-centred corporate culture – believes in supporting parents right from the start, with up to 26 weeks leave for the primary caregiver and eight weeks for the secondary caregiver on full pay so that parents can bond with their newborns.

Finding family-friendly workplaces

Such family-friendly company policies are a real boon to parents who find it a struggle to juggle work and family life. So, if you are someone looking for pro-family practices and flexible work arrangements, here are some areas to zoom in on:

Flexi-time (Work timing/duration)

Does the company offer flexibility in terms of working hours, such as staggered start and end time from work? Parents who need to drop their kids off at school early in the morning may appreciate being able to start work earlier than other colleagues and knock off earlier so that they can spend time with their family or run household errands.

Other flexi-time variations can range from flexible lunch hours, lunchtime swaps (allowing workers to compensate a longer lunch break with a shorter one on another day), or even time-banking (a system that enables the exchange of services and skills for time).

Flexi-place (Work location)

Does the company allow remote working? One of the greatest side benefits that the pandemic brought was to show employers that it is possible to be productive without being physically present in the office. Strict quarantine measures meant that everyone had to find new but effective ways of accomplishing tasks remotely. Parents can consider whether the company offers employees telecommuting options, where part of the week can be spent in the office and the rest working from home.

Flexi-load (Work scope)

Is the company flexible in terms of load-sharing or allow employees to opt for part-time work? Some companies may allow two part-time workers to share a full-time job, or a reduced workload on a lower pay.

Pro-family practices extend beyond just flexible work arrangements. Parents should also pay attention to leave benefits such as childcare leave or employee support schemes like on-site childcare facilities. Start by looking out for the Made for Families brand mark launched by our National Population and Talent Division to identify companies which champion family values in our society.

Want to find out more? Visit Made for Families to learn about the parental benefits and family-friendly practices available to you.