Families For Life | The Art & Family Preschool Learning Journey
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Join Becky Bunny and the Art & Family facilitators on an adventure at the National Gallery Singapore as they share about family values through key artworks. The Art & Family Preschool Learning Journey uses art to introduce the four family values of Love, Care and Concern, Commitment and Respect to preschoolers through inquiry-based learning, narrative thinking and imaginative thinking. Through the session, Art & Family facilitators from the Gallery will guide preschoolers to explore artworks from the National Collection and draw parallels to their own family experiences.
The preschool learning journey invites preschoolers to make observations and develop imaginative responses while learning about the importance of the family values. Additionally, this guided tour supports preschool educators and is offered at no charge to all preschools catering to children aged between 4 to 6 years old, offering diverse and engaging lessons beyond the classroom. Facilitators from the Gallery will guide the children to explore artworks from the National Collection and relate them to their own family experiences.

Watch our "'Art and Family' Learning Journey" video on YouTube!