Families For Life | New Baby Checklist: Home and Baby Equipment
Getting baby equipment and preparing your home for your new baby can be exciting – but where do you start? There are only a few things you absolutely need, as our baby checklist explains.
Baby checklist: preparing your home
Getting your home ready can be a good way to help you, your spouse and your other children prepare for your new baby’s arrival.
Where baby sleeps
A baby can fit into a corner of your room if you haven’t the time or space to create a new room. In fact, research into sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) suggests the safest place for your baby is in a cot in the same room as you for the first 6-12 months.
Where to change diapers
Many parents buy change tables, but at home it’s safer to change your baby on a mat on the floor, so he can’t fall.
You can also change your baby on a bed. And some parents do find it’s easier on their backs to change baby on a change table. If you’re changing baby on a bed or change table, keep your hands on your baby at all times so that baby can’t roll off.
Where to bath baby
You don’t need to do anything special to get a bathing area ready for your baby. In fact, you can bath a newborn in the kitchen sink or bathtub, so long as it’s safe and clean.
Most of the things you need to do to make your home safe for your newborn are about knowing what to expect, rather than making major changes.
Baby checklist: baby equipment
The things your baby needs will change all the time, so the best approach might be to buy or borrow things as you need them.
Here’s some essential baby equipment you’ll need to start with:
General equipment
If you’re driving home from hospital, it is a good idea to have the restraint professionally fitted ahead of your baby’s arrival.
For your baby’s sleep safety, you need a firm, well-fitting mattress, and sheets. The standards for cots are the European Standard EN716, US standard ASTM 1169 and ISO 7175. Some parents use a crib for their baby in the first few months, but going straight to using a full-size cot is a safe and cost-effective option.
Diapers: even if you plan to use reusable nappies, it’s a good idea to have a few disposables on hand just in case.
If you’re bottle-feeding, you’ll need bottles, teats and bottle-washing items. If you’re breastfeeding, you might want to think about a breast pump if you plan to express milk or return to work soon.
Things for mum
Mum needs extra-long and extra-thick – or maternity – sanitary pads. Take lots to the hospital and have more ready for when you get home.
If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need nursing bras and breast pads.
Things for baby
For dressing your newborn, it’s good to have three or four baby bodysuits and a selection of singlets or vests for underneath. You might also need cardigans or sweaters, depending on the weather.
A few baby wraps: muslin wraps are lighter and better for warmer weathers.
If you’re looking for advice about baby equipment, you could talk to the educator at your birth classes.
After you have these essentials, you might decide to do without or hold off on buying a lot of extras. Some equipment can be quite expensive, so it makes sense to base your decisions on what you think you’ll use, rather than on what advertisers or other people tell you.
Other baby equipment
Here are some other items you might find helpful:
A baby bathtub and some soft towels for wrapping and drying your baby after each bath.
A musical mobile to help your baby settle and give him something colourful to look at.
A diaper bin with lid.
Individual disposable diaper bags (or old plastic bags) – handy for when you’re out with your baby.
Talcum powder isn’t recommended because it has fine particles that your baby might breathe in. It can also get into your baby’s genitals and cause damage to internal structures.
Researchers advise against buying a ‘baby walker’. There are dangers associated with baby walkers, and children left unattended have been hurt.
Saving money on baby equipment
You can save money by buying or accepting second-hand or pre-loved toys, clothes and some furniture like dressers.
You can find these items in lots of places, including:
websites like eBay or Carousell
parents’ groups
newspaper advertisements and garage sales
second-hand shops
Other ways to save include buying only what you really need. Some new baby products are based on gimmicks. Talking to other parents about what they’ve found useful can be a good guide.
You can look out for sales and special offers on items like diapers and wipes, and stock up when they’re cheap (taking care to check use-by dates).
Safety and second-hand furniture
It is recommended that you avoid buying, borrowing or accepting second-hand products that don’t adhere to the guidelines set out by the Consumer Goods Safety Regulations. Using products that are not covered under the Consumer Protection (Consumer Goods Safety Requirements) Regulations 2011 (CGSR) increases your baby’s risk of serious injury and possibly death.
This is particularly important when choosing cots, mattresses, child restraints and booster seats. If you’re not sure about the safety history of a second-hand item, it’s best that you don’t accept or buy it. Instead, look for one that comes with a good safety history.
© raisingchildren.net.au, translated and adapted with permission
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Cradle cap is the oily, scaly crust that babies sometimes get on their scalps, in their body folds and on their torsos. Although cradle cap looks uncomfortable, it doesn’t usually bother your baby.