Families For Life | Pregnancy: Week 46
Your days are full of loving cuddles, exciting developments and challenging moments.
What's happening to your baby?
Baby's brain is filled with stimulation and information every day! Your bundle of joy is learning new tricks, growing physically stronger and you might even catch that first glimpse of a heart-melting cheeky smile. Baby loves a warm bath or a song from dad. At this point, your little dear might be awake longer in the day and asleep longer at night. Keep up with visits to the doctor for a hearing check, immunisation jabs and weight monitoring.
What's happening to you?
If your doctor has given you the tick of approval, you could start some light exercise to regain some fitness and release some endorphins. Kegel exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Each day brings exciting new developments, and sometimes challenges. The bond between you and your baby is indescribable. Keep up the good work, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, and remember to have fun — as these are memories that last forever.
By Associate Professor TAN Thiam Chye Head & Senior Consultant, Dr Michelle LIM Senior O&G Resident,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KK Women's and Children's Hospital
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