Families For Life | Pregnancy: Week 39


Your baby is getting into position and gearing up for the big reveal!

What's happening to your baby?

It's nearly show time as your baby moves into the birthing position with the head down towards your pelvis. Your little one is the size of a large pumpkin, weighing between 2.9 and 3.5kg. The brain is still developing at a rapid rate, and will continue to do so for the next three years as your baby processes information and learns the ins and outs of life. Your baby is continuing to accumulate fat to help regulate body temperature outside the womb. Baby is still busy absorbing nutrients and antibodies through your placenta and swallowing tiny amounts of amniotic fluid.

What's happening to you?

Keep monitoring your baby's movements. Most babies quieten down when it's about time to make their exit from the womb. However, if you notice a considerable slowdown, seek medical help as this could indicate a problem. If you aren't showing any signs of labour yet, don't worry, many women go past their due date. Your doctor may schedule an induction after your due date to help bring on labour. With all of the increased pressure, your pelvis is probably aching and ready to get this show on the road!

By Associate Professor TAN Thiam Chye Head & Senior Consultant, Dr Janice TUNG Senior O&G Resident,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, KK Women's and Children's Hospital

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