
National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS)

Image Source: Health Promotion Board

The National Immunisation Registry (NIR) maintains the immunisation records for all Singapore Residents aged 18 years and under. You may check your child’s vaccination records via HealthHub with your SingPass.

Learn more about the enhanced subsidies for childhood vaccination and developmental screening

Childhood vaccinations under the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) are recommended as the standard of care for protection against vaccine-preventable diseases that can lead to severe complications, hospitalisation and deaths. Childhood Developmental Screening (CDS) is part of preventive care for all children to identify those at risk of developmental delays, so early intervention can take place.

Full subsidies for vaccinations* under the NCIS and Childhood Developmental Screening are available for eligible Singaporean children at CHAS GP clinics and polyclinics from 1st November 2020. Influenza and chickenpox vaccines have been added to the NCIS too. Click here to find out more.

*Applicable for certain brands of vaccinations. Please refer to https://go.gov.sg/vaccine-list for the latest subsidised vaccine brands.

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Contributed by:
Health Promotion Board