This June, make spending time with your family your priority! With the kids at home during the school hols, there is no better time to play and bond. There’re plenty of interesting stuff that you can do as a family without burning a hole in your pocket yet deliver loads of fun, and best of all, have quality time together.

Not sure where to start? Here are some of our suggestions:

Get Active Together

Break a sweat together as a fam! If you have active kids who can’t keep still, get adventurous with activities like kayaking, cycling, kite-flying, or even ziplining and bungee-jumping. Just check out the list of events and activities available on the People’s Association website for some good, sweaty fun.

Prefer the great outdoors? Try exploring our parks and nature reserves. Just get onto and follow your neighbourhood park connector to locate the nearest green zone. Other interesting spots worth visiting are our island’s reservoir parks and the Rail Corridor .

Get Crafty Together

If you’re a family of culture vultures who love to get crafty together, the June hols is generally a great time to visit our museums. Many of them hold fascinating exhibitions and drop-in activities designed to engage kids of all ages. There’re so many to choose from – the Keppel Centre for Art Education at the National Gallery Singapore is a perennial favourite, or let the little ones get interactive at the Children’s Museum Singapore .

Makan (Eat) Together

If nothing bonds people better than good food and great company, who can be better company than your own family members? Splurge on a restaurant meal if you have the means, but it’s the people who you eat with that counts.

Make eating together an occasion, but keep it fuss-free and uncomplicated. Prepare a simple home-cooked meal with your family, or just dabao from your favourite hawker or food place and head for a shady park near home for a picnic outing . Better still, make family makan sessions a regular affair by joining the Eat with Your Family Day (EWYFD) movement .

Learn Together

A family that learns together grows together . Learning is more than just picking up new knowledge and skills, it’s also about making fabulous memories together. Pick up an instrument, create some art, try a different workout, or learn to play a new game – there’s always something that you can do together as a family, whether it’s grandparents or grandchildren.

To make it a breeze for you to find family-friendly activities and events to do, Families for Life has also lined up a nation-wide programme from 3 to 11 June under National Family Week (NFW) together with the People’s Association (PA) and ActiveSG.

You don’t have to look too far to have fun with your loved ones! Just check out the NFW activities in your neighbourhood.