Families For Life | Family unity is as easy as MRT!

Family life is like a journey and we all want to enjoy the ride! While family life has ups and downs, navigating it together can be more enjoyable when everyone practices kindness, respect, and cooperation. In fact, by adopting a bit of MRT etiquette at home, we can build stronger bonds and make our shared journey much smoother.

Applying gracious MRT behaviours at home

In case you don’t frequent the MRT, the Land Transport Authority has introduced The Thoughtful Bunch who embody five tips commuters should practice to make MRT journeys pleasant. These five tips can also be adopted at home to build a harmonious, kind, and strongly knit home. Let’s take a look at how!

Giving your seat to those in need

On the MRT, you’ll see someone offer their seat to someone else who needs it more: a parent with a young child, an elderly commuter, or someone carrying heavy bags. It shows that you care and respect those who need the seat more and prioritise their wellbeing.

At home, it is just as important to notice when a family member is tired or struggling and offer our help. Whether it is offering to cook a meal for your exhausted partner or being an active listener when your kids voice their worries about school, these small acts of kindness can create a home environment built on trust, mutual respect and love.

Making space so others can board

On the MRT, we’ve all experienced how important it is to respect personal space. Whether it’s avoiding leaning on the railings or stepping back to let others pass, these small actions make the ride more comfortable for everyone.

The same principle applies to family life. Every family member has their thoughts, needs, and emotions. Giving each other space means respecting individuality and allowing time to recharge. For parents, this might mean giving kids the freedom to explore their interests or make their own choices. For partners, it might mean supporting each other’s hobbies or recognising when some “me-time” is needed. It is about showing respect and trust, which strengthens family bonds.

Letting others alight first

On the MRT, we patiently wait for passengers to alight first before boarding, ensuring everyone can get on or leave smoothly. Similarly, in family life, practicing patience and giving each person a turn ensures we maintain harmony and respect at home.

Families can practice respect for each other in many ways: allowing others to finish before speaking, taking turns with chores, and being mindful of words used. This way you can foster fairness and cooperation, making your family environment more open and less stressful.

Putting your bag down so others have room

On the MRT, it’s common courtesy to put your bag out of the way so others have enough space. This small gesture ensures everyone has their personal space to move freely and comfortably.

Though you don’t need to put a physical bag down, everyone should have space at home to feel comfortable and valued, whether it is physical, emotional, or mental space. Consider how you can make room for your partner or children to lead the dinner conversation instead. If your partner needs to have a conversation with you, find an appropriate time so you can discuss it without distractions. Your kids also need space to feel their big feelings and explore the world too!

Keeping volume down

We all know the unspoken rule about keeping noise to a minimum on MRTs, whether on your phone or in conversation to ensure a comfortable travelling environment. This can apply at home too!

Especially when tensions rise or disagreements happen, speaking calmly and controlling the volume of our voices can have a powerful effect on diffusing conflict. Speak with empathy and let others express their feelings and thoughts without interruption. This creates a space where all family members can share their thoughts without feeling attacked or dismissed, strengthening your trust in each other.

Enjoying the family ride together

Much like a MRT ride, family life is full of bumps and turns, but when we approach it with care for one another, the ride becomes smoother for everyone. These MRT behaviors reflect core values like respect, kindness, and accountability, and they can also play a huge role in homes to strengthen family unity and help diffuse conflicts. So, let’s put down our “bags,” lower our volumes, give each other space, and always make room for kindness. Family unity can be as easy as MRT!