Families For Life | "I Still Do" 2019

"I Still Do" 2019

"I Do" - 2 words that will change your life. "I Still Do" - 3 words that will reaffirm your life-long commitment to each other.

The road to a long lasting marriage may have its ups and downs. But the promise to never give up on each other is everlasting. Organised by the Families for Life Council, "I Still Do" is an annual marriage outreach programme to encourage couples to love and care for each other regardless of their differences, and be committed to making their marriage last.

This year, from February to April 2019, we are inviting couples from all ages and all walks of life to celebrate your love and marriage with us. Look out for a line-up of enriching talks, workshops and online content to equip couples with marriage tips, and interactive, bonding activities allowing couples the opportunity to spend quality time together!

Not sure where to start? Head over to our Online Quiz to find out which activity suits you best as a couple!

Tap on the image to hear from 3 couples on how they began their journey as husband and wife, and what makes them continue saying I Still Do❤️

Couples Video 

Supported by
Lee Hwa Jewellery


Golden Jubilee Wedding Celebrations

Marriage is a lifelong commitment together. Though the journey may have its ups and downs, it is worth it at the end of the day, knowing that we have someone special who loves and cares for us regardless of our differences.

About 170 couples can attest to that as they celebrated over 50 years of marriage at the inaugural Golden Jubilee Wedding Celebrations last year, orgarnised by The Registry of Civil Marriages and the Registry of Muslim Marriages.

In our celebration of love and marriage this year, couples who had been married for 50 years or more in 2018 will get to reaffirm their commmitment to each other at a renewal-of-commitment ceremony on 13 April.

Click here to read more about the inaugural Golden Jubilee Wedding Celebrations that took place last year at the Istana

Golden Jubilee Wedding Celebrations 


"I Still Do" Couple Quiz

It's easy to feel overwhlemed with so many activities happening in celebration of "I Still Do" 2019. Fret not because we are here to help! Take the "I Still Do" couple quiz below and let us decide for you which activities you are most suitable for - from couples activities to deepen your bond, workshops to strengthen your marriage or online articles to up your skills in marriage.

Grab your spouse and do the quiz together. Who knows, you'll get to know them even better at the end of the quiz!

I Still Do Quiz 

I Still Do In A Minute & Marriage Articles

I Still Do In A Minute

A story a day keeps the romance well alive and kicking! Catch up on our #IStillDoInAMinute series and be inspired as we feed you with all the latest reads every week on our Facebook!

Spouse's Day Spouse's Day Spouse's Day Spouse's Day 

Recommended Articles for All Couples

Secure Your Family's Future with 3 Easy Tips 

Secure Your Family's Future with 3 Easy Tips

3 Habits to Cultivate for Love 

3 Habits to Cultivate for Love

When It Seems You Are Note On The Same Side As Your In-Laws 

When It Seems You Are Not On The Same Side As Your In-Laws

Date Night Ideas for Couples in Singapore 

Date Night Ideas for Couples in Singapore

Love Across Cultures 

Love Across Cultures

Trying for a Baby 

Trying for a Baby


Recommended Articles for Newlyweds and Soon-to-Weds

3 Key Issues for Newly-Weds Or Soon-to-Be-Married Couples 

3 Key Issues for Newly-Weds Or Soon-to-Be-Married Couples

An Enduring Love & Commitment 

An Enduring Love & Commitment

How to Say Sorry 

How to Say Sorry

9 Ways To Make Your Significant Other Feel Special 

9 Ways To Make Your Significant Other Feel Special

Spice Up Your Marriage With These Sports 

Spice Up Your Marriage With These Sports


Recommended Articles for Couples married more than 5 years

Planning for your Golden Years as a Couple 

Planning for your Golden Years as a Couple

Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane 

Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane

How to Communicate and Connect Deeper with Your Partner 

How to Communicate and Connect Deeper with Your Partner

Building Emotional Intimacy in Your Marriage 

Building Emotional Intimacy in Your Marriage

The New Vows after Parenthood 

The New Vows after Parenthood


Recommended Articles for Couples married more than 20 years

3 Secrets from Married Couples In Love for more than 50 Years 

3 Secrets from Married Couples In Love for more than 50 Years

How Successful Marriages Go Beyond Love 

How Successful Marriages Go Beyond Love

Celebrate Your Anniversary By Renewing Your Vows 

Celebrate Your Anniversary By Renewing Your Vows

Refilling the Empty Nest 

Refilling the Empty Nest


For married couples, there are bound to be times when there are differences in opinion or even conflict. If a conflict become more than you think you can handle, you should always seek professional help early. Remember, the longer the problem stays, the more the relationship becomes strained. Do not wait till it is too late to get help!

Click here for more information on services available to support.

Partners' Programmes

Marriage Talks & Workshops

APKIM Resources


Event Description

Date: Sat, 6 - Sat, 27 Apr 2019
Time: 10am - 1pm
Venue: APKIM Resources, 134 Arab Street S(199824)
Price: $80 per couple per session

Different Yet In Sync Series 1: Making Your Personality Differences Work For You (Sat, 6 Apr 2019)
Sometimes we argue over what seems to be the simplest things; why do you put the wet towel on the bed; why does it take you so long to decide on things...sounds familiar? Well sometimes the small things add up and we find that we are married to someone who seems so different to us.

In this workshop we will examine the cause of the differences and how we can use those differences to work for us instead of against us. How do we talk differently so that the message gets across to our partner? How do we adjust our approach so that our quarrels are minimized and our happiness increased? Understanding our partner's and our personalities as a couple and using that knowledge to increase the bond between us is one powerful tool for marriage. So do not hesitate, make your differences work for you and your marriage.

Different Yet In Sync Series 2: Turning Towards Each Other For A Stronger Us (Sat, 13 Apr 2019)
For most of us, married life can get quite mundane, be rather chaotic or at times, be pretty confusing. We may find ourselves wondering;: What is really going on right now? Having a structured way to look at things can make it easier to make sense of what is happening. Couples find it useful when they are able to understand the different areas in their marriage and learn ways to dialogue about them. This 3 hour workshop uses the Relationship Attachment Model (RAM) by Dr John Van Epp to help couples gain insights and perspectives of their marriages in a safe environment.

Different Yet In Sync Series 3: Loving You Differently But Loving You All The Same (Sat, 27 Apr 2019)
Imagine being in a foreign land, trying to buy a bus ticket, yet not knowing what the ticket seller is saying. You may end up missing the bus! Language is a powerful medium of communication. We send important messages using language and it can be frustrating not to understand what is being conveyed. In this workshop we will explore you and your spouse's Love Languages. How do you make your spouse feel your love? How can you love your spouse in the "right" way? Is there even such a thing as the right way? Join us as we show you how to unlock the secrets to making your spouse feel the love you wish to convey.

Register Now 

Centre for Fathering


Event Description

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2019
Time: 1pm - 6pm
Venue: 1 Woodlands Road, #04-03 Junction 10 S(677899)
Price: Early Bird - $96 per couple (valid till 23 March 2019)

Seven Principles Program
In this 5-hour workshop, couples will learn to:

• Strengthen the foundation of their marriage through enhancing their Love Maps.
• Prevent contempt by fostering fondness and admiration for each other.
• Make deposits into the Emotional Bank Account by turning towards each other.
• Share power by accepting each other’s influence.
• Manage conflicts by solving the solvable problems.
• Overcome gridlock by becoming a Dream Detective.
• Create shared meaning as husband and wife.

Register Now 

Cornerstone Community Services


Event Description

Date: Sat, 6 Apr & Sat, 13 Apr 2019
Time: 10am
Venue: Cornerstone Community Services Training Room, 39 Ean Kiam Place, S(429124)
Price: $350 per couple

Marriage Preparation Programme – PREP Fight for Your Marriage
A good marriage needs a good foundation. The best time to start marriage preparation is when you and your partner have started to think about marital commitment in your relationship. Whether you are dating, soon-to-wed or engaged, a marriage preparation programme will help you and your partner to understand issues relating to marriage and be mentally and emotionally prepared for life together as husband and wife.

The "Marriage Preparation Programme – PREP Fight for Your Marriage" is based on the “Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Programme” (PREP®). The PREP® programme is a sophisticated research-based marriage enrichment programme with proven results of low rates of premarital break-up and post marital divorce. The programme is based on more than 40 years of continual on-going research on marital success and distress. Through interactive activities and discussions conducted by PREP® trained counsellors, participants will be empowered with the tools for building a successful marriage.

For more information, visit www.cornerstoneservices.org.sg.
For enquiries, please contact Elisha at info@cornerstoneservices.org.sg or 6344 8063

Fei Yue Community Services (Valley Point)


Event Description

Date: Sat, 20 Apr & Sat, 27 Apr 2019
Time: 10am
Venue: 491B, River Valley Road #04-04A Valley Point (Office Tower) S(248373)
Price: $375 per couple

12 hrs Prevention & Relationship Enhancement Programme (PREP) (2 Saturdays, 10am to 5pm)
PREP is an evidence-based Marriage Preparation course which aims to help couples communicate better manage expectations and build strong marriages. Topics covered include communication, conflict management, commitment, friendship, sensuality, problem-solving among others. Skills and knowledge are taught through an assortment of methods, from lectures to hands-on exercises, role-playing and group discussions. The 12-hour workshop is conducted over a 2-days session (2 consecutive Saturdays of 6 hours each).

For enquiries, please write to leemingchoo@fycs.org

Focus on the Family Singapore


Event Description

Date: Sat, 2 Mar & Sat, 9 Mar 2019 (Run 1) 
Sat, 6 Apr & Sat, 13 Apr 2019 (Run 2)
Time: 1pm - 6pm
Venue: Family Life Training Rooms
9 Bishan Place, #08-03, Junction 8 Office Tower S(579837)
Price: $300 per couple

Connect 2 Workshop (Fully Subcribed for 6 - 13 Apr)
Connect2 is a marriage preparation programme that aims to help couples address issues that they may face as newlyweds, build a solid foundation in the early years and learn how to really love each other - for life!

What to expect?

• What do love, marriage and your vows symbolise
• Identify each other's differences and love languages - how to engage in effective communication
• Manage healthy conflict and have a good grasp on your family finances
• Understand sexual intimacy, the importance of romance and family planning
• Learn how to manage expectations from your spouse, children, in-laws while balancing work-life 

Institute for Financial Literacy


Event Description

Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019
Time: 2pm - 3.30pm
Venue: Sembawang Public Library - Programme Room
30 Sembawang Drive, #05-01 Sun Plaza, S(757713)
Free admission

Baby and Child Support Schemes (This event is over)
Planning to have a family? Learn about the essentials of planning finances as a couple with an emphasis on grants, subsidies and tax savings offered to help defray the cost of having children in Singapore.

Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2019
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Ang Mo Kio Public Library - Programme Zone
4300 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6, S(569842)
Free admission

Buying a home within your means
Assess how much you need to buy a home. Find out about the types of upfront fees and recurring payments you need to budget for before buying a home. This talk is organised by the MoneySENSE-Singapore Polytechnic Institute for Financial Literacy.

Course Outline

• Objectives of buying a property
• Understand the various costs in buying a home
• Assess your resources and calculate how much you can afford
• Understand and calculating the cost in buying a home
• What is the CPF withdrawal limit?
Deciding on the appropriate property

Register Now 



Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: library@harbourfront - Programme 2
1 Harbourfront Walk #03-05 S(098585)
Free admission

Starting A Family
Pick up tips on how to plan your finances as a couple, and how to budget for your first home. Then learn about the expenses to consider when planning for children, and the government subsidies that are currently available.

Course Outline

• Budgeting for your first home
• Reviewing your insurance
• Having and bringing up children
Relevant subsidies, tax reliefs and rebates for parents

Register Now 

REACH Community Services Society


Event Description

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2019
Time: 1pm - 5pm
Venue: REACH Counselling Service
307 Shunfu Road #01-137, S(570307)
Price: By appointment

I Do...I Will

"Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans." - Peter F. Drucker

Is it possible to have a great marriage?

You read about the increasing rate of divorces. You know of friends who are in the midst of divorce. You hear horror stories about marriages. You may even have doubts about whether your own marriage may survive the long haul.

All of us want happiness and fulfilment in the marital relationship with our spouses but may not see the fruits of our labour. It all boils down to the decisions we make. The decisions you make today will determine the marriage you have tomorrow. The choices you make each day determine the quality of your marriage and the positive legacy you wish to leave behind for your children.

In this workshop, you will gain insights to fail-proof your marriage by having a deeper understanding of the different types and levels of commitment. Through an experienced marriage counsellor of close to 10 years, you will discover the different commitments that will enable both yourself and your spouse to experience a richer, deeper, more authentic relationship; resulting to a more rewarding and passionate love life that you have always wanted!

Make this choice today! Sign up and be empowered.

Register Now 

TOUCH Commmunity Services


Event Description

Date: Sat, 2 Mar & Sat, 9 Mar 2019
Time: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Venue: Blk 457 Jurong West Street 41 #01-762 S(640457)
Price: $420 per couple

PREP 12-Hour Workshop (This event is over)
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Programme (PREP) is an evidence-based marriage and relationship education programme. It is designed based on over 30 years of research in US that aims to help soon-to-wed and newly-wed couples to: Improve communication and problem-solving skills Attain higher relationship satisfaction; and Develop better conflict resolution skills Research has shown that couples who attended PREP have higher levels of positive communication and interaction and greater confidence in the future of their marriages. The PREP workshop provides deeper coverage on a range of topics such as communication, conflict resolution and problem-solving. Couples also have opportunities during the workshop to reflect on their relationship and learn skills to enrich their marriage.

Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2019
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Venue: Leisure Park Kallang, 5 Stadium Walk, Seminar Room #04-06, S(397693)
Free admission

He Said She Said - Power Words Your Spouse Needs To Hear (This event is over)
We all have experienced the power of words. Hurtful words can do irreparable damage, while encouraging words can set our hearts soaring. He Said, She Said helps participants to access the power to bring strength and vitality to a marriage. Practical and fun, He Said, She Said, explores the different inherent needs of men and women and empower wives and husbands to meet those needs using eight phrases that will revolutionize their communication. By explaining how to use phrases such as "I respect you," "I desire you," and "I believe in you," these tools nurture one another.

Come and listen and enjoy “What He Said and What She is Hearing” in a fun-loving way!

Programme Outline:

• Discover the words that can help you build your marriage

• Identify the words that can destroy your marriage

• Learn the 8 phrases that will revolutionise your communication with your spouse

(Adapted from: Jay and Laura Laffoon (USA)

Date: Sat, 20 Apr 2019
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Venue: Leisure Park Kallang, 5 Stadium Walk, Seminar Room #04-06, S(397693)
Price: $50 per couple

Romancing For A Lifetime
The Romancing for a lifetime experiential workshop will allow you and your spouse to:
• Re-boot your relationship

• Re-connect with each other more deeply than you have ever thought possible

• Re-discover the joy of being together

• In the workshop, you will learn to use the magical power of the safe space for you and your spouse to strengthen your marital relationship.

You will discover:
• How to successfully communicate your own desires

• How to express your love and appreciation in ways that touch your spouse’s heart

• How to rediscover the joy and relational potential of your relationship

• How to heal the relationship through the use of the language of apology

Register Now 


Couple Events & Activities

3Arts x Center Pottery


Event Description

Date: Wed, 9 Jan - Wed, 27 Feb 2019
Time: Various Timings
Venue: 3Arts, 394 Joo Chiat Place S(428078)
Price: $67.40 per couple

Pottery Workshop 

VDay & CNY Themed Handbuilding Pottery Workshop (This event is over)
Participants will learn hand-building techniques (such as pinching, coiling and slab rolling) to create their clay Couple Mugs (VDay Programme) and Piggy Flower Pot (CNY Programme)

Each piece made is fired twice. Your handmade items will be shiny, food-safe and usable as dinnerware, and are available for collection in 6 - 8 weeks' time.

Workshop includes the materials, curriculum and instructions, firing of your artwork to completion.



Event Description

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2019
Time: Various Timings
Venue: BEE AMAZED Garden, 91 Lorong Chencharu S(439053)
Price: $100 per couple


Night BEE AMAZED Garden Experience  (This event is over)
This session is facilitated by a former school leader and DadsforLIFE ambassador who is now a full-time beekeeper. During this session, participants will learn all about local honey bees, how honey is made, bee behaviour and what is good honey. Gleaning from the bee behaviour, couples can learn much from the honey bees on how we can care and support each other. Bee aware of individual needs, differences how to complement each other. How to protect each other against temptations. Learn how to bee loyal to each other, say I love you and I Still Do everyday and till death do be part!

Secure your spots now at 9669 6370! Please note that a minimum of 10 pax is required to start a class

Jetaime Perfumery Pte Ltd


Event Description

Date: Wed, 6 Feb - Apr 2019
Time: Various Timings
Venue: Goodman Arts Centre, 90 Goodman Road, Block O, 01-57 S(439053)
Price: $250 per couple

Perfume Workshop 

Couple Perfume Workshop (This event is over)
Join us for a wonderful experience where you will access your senses and learn something completely new. Couples can look forward to:
1- Take a Personality Test (take it for each other to make it more fun)
2- See what the results mean
3- Match ingredients to the test result
4- Prepare 3 samples in travel size 10ml bottle
5- Choose one of these and make into 75ml EDP

Take home all 4 bottles. For other promotions, book 1 week in advance and get Free name engraving on the 75ml bottle.

Enter promo code ISD2019 to enjoy a 5% discount!

Register Now 

People's Association Water Venture


Event Description

Date: Sat, 23 Feb - Tue, 30 Apr 2019
Time: 9am - 4pm
Venue: PAssion WaVe @ Marina Bay
11 Rhu Cross, S(437440)

PAssion WaVe @ Bedok Reservoir
911 Bedok Reservoir Rd, Bedok Reservoir Park, S(479311)

I Still Do 1-for-1 Kayak Promotion 

"I Still Do" 1-for-1 Kayak Promotion
Calling all Couples! Quote the promo code ISD2019 when you rent for kayak at PAssion WaVe @ Marina Bay and PAssion WaVe @ Bedok Reservoir and enjoy a 1-for-1 promotion!

This event is held in conjunction with "I Still Do" 2019 and to encourage couple bonding where couples can kayak at a promotional 1-for-1 at $15, instead of the usual rate of $30. Only applicable for walk-ins.

Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019
Time: 6.30pm - 10pm
Venue: Bedok Reservoir Park, Reservoir Vista, near Carpark A
911 Bedok Reservoir Rd, Bedok Reservoir Park, S(479311)
Free admission, walk-ins welcome. To get a couple's goodie bag, chope it online for $10 (items worth $30)

One Faber Group Valentine's Day 

Valentine's Day Movie Nite (This event is over)
Fancy a unique Valentine's Day weekend evening date with your partner?

Catch the latest Hollywood Blockbuster 'Crazy Rich Asians' outdoor with the scenic Bedok Reservoir Park waterfront is a lovely accompaniment to the evening sunset. Great lucky draw prizes and activities awaits you!

Join our PAssion WaVe Movie Kakis on Facebook and enjoy 10% discounts when you shop at Angel Florist for Valentine's Day gifts or flowers! 

Ikeda Group Pte Ltd


Event Description

Date: Thu, 31 Jan - Thu, 28 Feb 2019
Time: Various Timings
Venue: Ikeda Spa Prestige Clarke Quay
6 Eu Tong Sen Street, #05-22 Clarke Quay Central, S(059817)
Price: from $228 for Singles to $518 for Couples

Champagne Spa 

Luxe Pearl & Champagne Spa Indulgence (This event is over)
The Champagne Honeymoon series is perfect for couples who are looking for a spa rendezvous to relax in a top-notch service experience! A 120-minute indulgence @ $518+ available at Clarke Quay branch only.

One Faber Group


Event Description

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019
Time: 6pm - 11pm
Venue: Arbora Hilltop Dining, Faber Peak Singapore
109 Mount Faber Road, Faber Peak Singapore, S(099203)
Price: $248 per couple

One Faber Group Valentine's Day 

Valentine's Day at Arbora (This event is over)
Excite your date with the panoramic views of the harbour, Sentosa & Faber Peak as you both enjoy a romantic 4-course menu of Beef Tenderloin and Pistachio-crusted Salmon Fillet while basking in the tranquillity of the rainforest hillside. Take a walk in the garden and ring the century-old Bell of Happiness! For more information, visit www.onefabergroup.com.

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019
Time: 6pm - 11pm
Venue: Dusk Restaurant & Bar, Faber Peak Singapore
109 Mount Faber Road, Faber Peak Singapore, S(099203)
Price: From $268 per couple

One Faber Group Valentine's Day 

Valentine's Day at Dusk Restaurant & Bar (This event is over)
Delight your Valentine with a 4-course dinner at Dusk, one of Singapore's most romantic restaurant! Dusk boasts the best spot for gorgeous sunset views! Take the romance up a notch our wine pairing menu and have a sweet Valentine date on the hill! For more information, visit www.onefabergroup.com

Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2019
Time: 5pm - 9pm
Venue: Faber Peak Singapore
109 Mount Faber Road, Faber Peak Singapore, S(099203)
Price: $328 per couple

One Faber Group Valentine's Day 

Valentine's Day - Cable Car Sky Dining (This event is over)
Cosy up in your very own private cable car cabin with your date and savour a delectable 4-course meal. Take in 360° views of the romantic night sky, the lights and splendour of Singapore's cityscape. For more information, visit www.onefabergroup.com 


"I Still Do" Couples' Picnic

Thank you to all lovely couples who joined us the "I Still Do" Couples' Picnic. We hope you had a great time and will continue to love and care for each other!

Enjoy a romantic evening with your spouse at “I Still Do” Couples’ Picnic at Empress Lawn, Civic District! Love is in the air, so leave your cares (and children) at home, and go on a date and spend quality time as a couple!

Pack your picnic mat and favourite picnic food, and chill out with your loved one! Couples can look forward to interactive activities such as DIY flower bouquet-making, music performances and even a love renewal segment to reaffirm your love and commitment to your spouse. Complete the evening with a romantic dance session and movie screening under the stars!

Date: 16 March 2019 (Sat)
Time: 4.00pm – 9.30pm
Venue: Empress Lawn, Civic District (in front of Victoria Theatre)
Free admission, no registration required

Visit FFL Facebook for latest updates on the Couples' Picnic!

Couples' Picnic Site Map 


Programme Highlights:

Couples’ Picnic
Pack your picnic mat and favourite picnic food and enjoy an evening picnic with us.
Couples' Picnic

Love Renewal
Couples interested to participate in the “Love Renewal” segment can proceed to the Information Booth to redeem a rose and materials on a first-come-first-serve basis, while stocks last, at the event.
Love Renewal

President Challenge Charity Booth
For a minimum donation of $10 each, couples can receive an exclusive Families for Life picnic mat and a President Challenge coaster on a first-come-first-served-basis and while stocks last on event day. All donations will go towards supporting the President’s Challenge.
President Challenge  President Challenge

Flower Studio DIY Booth
Be inspired, and have fun personalising a flower bouquet for your loved one!

Lucky Draw
Enjoy a romantic evening at the Couples' Picnic and stand a chance to win attractive lucky draw prizes (worth up to $900) such as a 2D1N couple staycation, Lawry's The Prime Rib dining vouchers and Gold Class movie tickets. To enter the Lucky Draw, catch and scan the QR code flashed on the screen and complete the e-feedback form. Winners will receive email notification after 8pm.
Lawry's The Prime Rib

Romantic Movie Screening Under The Stars
As the sun sets, cuddle up and enjoy a romantic evening with a movie screening.

Programme Schedule



4.00pm to 6.45pm

Couples’ Picnic
Pack your picnic mat and favourite picnic food and enjoy an evening picnic with us.

FFL Mobile Café
Grab free-flow popcorn, drinks and snacks from Families for Life Mobile Café.

Flower Studio DIY Booth
Be inspired, and have fun personalising a flower bouquet for your loved one

“I Still Do” Photo Booth
Print out a favourite photo of you and your spouse at the “I Still Do” photo booth.

“I Still Do” Love Tips Wall
Share your love tips on building a long lasting marriage with your spouse at our Love Tips Wall.

President Challenge Charity Booth
For a minimum donation of $10 each, couples can receive an exclusive Families For Life picnic mat and a President Challenge coaster on a first-come-first-served-basis and while stocks last on event day. All donations will go towards supporting the President’s Challenge.

4.15pm to 4.45pm
5.00pm to 5.30pm

Live Jazz Performance
Relax and enjoy live jazz tunes

5.30pm to 6.15pm

Couples’ Dance - Waltz
Join in a waltz dance session with your spouse, suitable for newbies too!

*As the Couples' Dance will be held outdoors on the lawn, ladies are encourage to wear comfortable footwear for the dance (e.g. sandals or flats). Heels and wedges are not recommended.

6.45pm to 7.10pm

Love Renewal
Show your love and commitment by penning a personalised message for your spouse!

Head down to the Information Booth to pick up a lovely rose and Love Renewal Note for the segment.

7.30pm - 9.30pm

Romantic Movie Screening Under The Stars
As the sun sets, cuddle up and enjoy a romantic evening with a movie screening of "You've Got Mail".


How to Get There

Empress lawn situated between cavenagh Bridge, the Asian Civilisation Museum and the Victorial Theatre.

MRT Station:
Raffles Place (NS26, EW14): 0.39km away (Estimated 7 mins walk)
Raffles Place

City Hall (NS25, EW13): 0.59km away (Estimated 8 mins walk)
City Hall

Nearest Bus Stop:
Bus Stop at Opposite Peninsula Plaza (B04168) – Bus 851, 961, 32, 51, 63, 80, 195 and 851E (Estimated 8 mins walk)
Bus Stop at Opposite Singapore Cricket Club – Bus 75, 167, 100, 107, 130 and 131

Via Car/Taxi:
Nearby Carpark: National Gallery Singapore, Parliament House
However, as parking is limited, participants are encouraged to car pool or take public transport.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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